A Living Faith Statement
As the family of God at Central Mennonite Church we believe God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one. God is the creator and sustainer of the universe and is revealed to us through His son, Jesus. The Holy Spirit teaches us, provides encouragement, and helps us understand the Bible as the inspired Word of God. We are all sinners and therefore separated from God. To restore this relationship, God sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again. Through Jesus' sacrifice, we receive forgiveness for our sins and the gift of salvation. Someday Jesus will return and we will stand before God, our judge. If we have accepted God's plan of salvation, we will live eternally with God, and if not not we will be eternally separated from Him.
We work at living out our beliefs by patterning our lives after Jesus' model and teachings. We imitate Jesus by loving God and others, respecting, serving, and offering grace and forgiveness to people in our community and throughout the world. God is at work in the world and the Holy Spirit encourages us to join in this work. As God's hands and feet we generously give of ourselves, our gifts and our resources. In our broken world we resolve conflict without violence and work for peace and justice. We strive to joyfully share God's Word and the good news of Jesus Christ through our words and actions. We offer ourselves to God in worship, individually and as a community of believers, through music, praise, giving thanks, prayer, and studying the Word.
These beliefs and values are taught to our children and shared with our community and our world.
While we are at different places on our faith journey, we all have the same destination in mind; a close and honest relationship with God.
We invite everyone to join us on this journey.
Central Mennonite Church — January 2013